Scholarship Application

This year, the Lompoc Rotary Club will only be accepting digital applications. Download and fill out the PDF on your computer, or scan and email to:
In generous partnership with Inklings Printing Company, applicants can take their completed paper application packets to 403 North G Street in Lompoc, California to have them scanned as PDF and emailed. Call (805) 736-2737 for business hours and information.
Scholarship Essay Instructions

You must submit an essay which discusses your background and academic/career goals. The essay will assist the Scholarship Committee in learning about your achievement, potential, and motivation. The essay is a key factor in the scholarship award selection process.
All essays should be typed in a legible 12 pt font, double-spaced, with 1" margins, and contain 300 - 500 words. Essays should address specific topics and answer certain questions provided by the Lompoc Rotary Club's Scholarship Committee within the instructions.
Scholarship Application Release

Students and Parents and/or Guardians are urged to read the release before signing. The Lompoc Rotary Club takes awarding scholarships very seriously as they support, nurture, and grow Lompoc Valley's future leaders.